
Calculates temporal closeness centrality

temporal_closeness_centrality(tnet=None, paths=None)[source]

Returns temporal closeness centrality per node.

Temporal closeness centrlaity is the sum of a node’s average temporal paths with all other nodes.

  • tnet (array, dict, object) – Temporal network input with nettype: ‘bu’, ‘bd’.
  • paths (pandas dataframe) – Output of TenetoBIDS.networkmeasure.shortest_temporal_paths


Only one input (tnet or paths) can be supplied to the function.

Returns:temporal closness centrality (nodal measure)
Return type:close: array


Temporal closeness centrality is defined in [Close-1]:

\[\begin{split}C^T_{i} = {{1} \over {N-1}}\sum_j{1\over\\tau_{ij}}\end{split}\]

Where \(\\tau_{ij}\) is the average temporal paths between node i and j.

Note, there are multiple different types of temporal distance measures that can be used in temporal networks. If a temporal network is used as input (i.e. not the paths), then teneto uses shortest_temporal_path() to calculates the shortest paths. See shortest_temporal_path() for more details.

[Close-1]Pan, R. K., & Saramäki, J. (2011). Path lengths, correlations, and centrality in temporal networks. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 84(1). [`Link https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016105`_]