
shortest_temporal_path(tnet, steps_per_t='all', i=None, j=None, it=None, minimise='temporal_distance')[source]

Shortest temporal path

  • tnet (tnet obj, array or dict) – input network. nettype: bu, bd.
  • steps_per_t (int or str) – If str, should be ‘all’. How many edges can be travelled during a single time-point.
  • i (list) – List of node indicies to restrict analysis. These are nodes the paths start from. Default is all nodes.
  • j (list) – List of node indicies to restrict analysis. There are nodes the paths end on. Default is all nodes.
  • it (None, int, list) – Time points for parts. Either None (default) which takes all time points, an integer to indicate which time point to start at, or a list of time-points that is included in analysis (including end time-point).
  • minimise (str) – Can be “temporal_distance”, returns the path that has the smallest temporal distance. It is possible there can be a path that is a smaller topological distance (this option currently not available).

paths – Dataframe consisting of information about all the paths found.

Return type:

pandas df


The shortest temporal path calculates the temporal and topological distance there to be a path between nodes.

The argument steps_per_t allows for multiple nodes to be travelled per time-point.

Topological distance is the number of edges that are travelled. Temporal distance is the number of time-points.

This function returns the path that is the shortest temporal distance away.


Let us start by creating a small network.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import teneto
>>> G = np.zeros([4, 4, 3])
>>> G[0, 1, [0, 2]] = 1
>>> G[0, 3, [2]] = 1
>>> G[1, 2, [1]] = 1
>>> G[2, 3, [1]] = 1

Let us look at this network to see what is there.

>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
>>> ax = teneto.plot.slice_plot(G, ax, nodelabels=[0,1,2,3], timelabels=[0,1,2], cmap='Set2')
>>> plt.tight_layout()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Here we can visualize what the shortest paths are. Let us start by starting at node 0 we want to find the path to node 3, starting at time 0. To do this we write:

>>> sp = teneto.networkmeasures.shortest_temporal_path(G, i=0, j=3, it=0)
>>> sp['temporal-distance']
0    2
Name: temporal-distance, dtype: int64
>>> sp['topological-distance']
0    3
Name: topological-distance, dtype: int64
>>> sp['path includes']
0    [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]
Name: path includes, dtype: object

Here we see that the shortest path takes 3 steps (topological distance of 3) at 2 time points.

It starts by going from node 0 to 1 at t=0, then 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 at t=1. We can see all the nodes that were travelled in the “path includes” list.

In the above example, it was possible to traverse multiple edges at a single time-point. It is possible to restrain that by setting the steps_per_t argument

>>> sp = teneto.networkmeasures.shortest_temporal_path(G, i=0, j=3, it=0, steps_per_t=1)
>>> sp['temporal-distance']
0    3
Name: temporal-distance, dtype: int64
>>> sp['topological-distance']
0    1
Name: topological-distance, dtype: int64
>>> sp['path includes']
0    [[0, 3]]
Name: path includes, dtype: object

Here we see that the path is now only one edge, 0 to 3 at t=2. The quicker path is no longer possible.