Source code for teneto.communitydetection.louvain

import community
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import jaccard
import networkx as nx
from teneto.utils import process_input, create_supraadjacency_matrix, tnet_to_nx, clean_community_indexes
from teneto.classes import TemporalNetwork
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed

[docs]def temporal_louvain(tnet, resolution=1, intersliceweight=1, n_iter=100, negativeedge='ignore', randomseed=None, consensus_threshold=0.5, temporal_consensus=True, njobs=1): r""" Louvain clustering for a temporal network. Parameters ----------- tnet : array, dict, TemporalNetwork Input network resolution : int resolution of Louvain clustering ($\gamma$) intersliceweight : int interslice weight of multilayer clustering ($\omega$). Must be positive. n_iter : int Number of iterations to run louvain for randomseed : int Set for reproduceability negativeedge : str If there are negative edges, what should be done with them. Options: 'ignore' (i.e. set to 0). More options to be added. consensus : float (0.5 default) When creating consensus matrix to average over number of iterations, keep values when the consensus is this amount. Returns ------- communities : array (node,time) node,time array of community assignment Notes ------- References ---------- """ tnet = process_input(tnet, ['C', 'G', 'TN'], 'TN') # Divide resolution by the number of timepoints #resolution = resolution / tnet.T supranet = create_supraadjacency_matrix( tnet, intersliceweight=intersliceweight) if negativeedge == 'ignore': supranet = supranet[supranet['weight'] > 0] nxsupra = tnet_to_nx(supranet) np.random.seed(randomseed) i = 0 while True: print(i) i += 1 comtmp = [] if njobs > 1: with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=njobs) as executor: job = {executor.submit( _run_louvain, nxsupra, resolution, tnet.N, tnet.T) for n in range(n_iter)} for j in as_completed(job): comtmp.append(j.result()) comtmp = np.stack(comtmp) else: comtmp = np.array( [_run_louvain(nxsupra, resolution, tnet.N, tnet.T) for n in range(n_iter)]) comtmp = np.stack(comtmp) comtmp = comtmp.transpose() comtmp = np.reshape(comtmp, [tnet.N, tnet.T, n_iter], order='F') # if n_iter == 1: # break nxsupra_old = nxsupra nxsupra = make_consensus_matrix(comtmp, consensus_threshold) # If there was no consensus, there are no communities possible, return if nxsupra is None: break if (nx.to_numpy_array(nxsupra, nodelist=np.arange(tnet.N*tnet.T)) == nx.to_numpy_array(nxsupra_old, nodelist=np.arange(tnet.N*tnet.T))).all(): break communities = comtmp[:, :, 0] if temporal_consensus: communities = make_temporal_consensus(communities) return communities
def _run_louvain(nxsupra, resolution, N, T): comtmp = np.zeros([N*T]) com = community.best_partition( nxsupra, resolution=resolution, random_state=None) comtmp[np.array(list(com.keys()), dtype=int)] = list(com.values()) return comtmp
[docs]def make_consensus_matrix(com_membership, th=0.5): r""" Makes the consensus matrix. From multiple iterations, finds a consensus partition. . Parameters ---------- com_membership : array Shape should be node, time, iteration. th : float threshold to cancel noisey edges Returns ------- D : array consensus matrix """ com_membership = np.array(com_membership) D = [] for i in range(com_membership.shape[0]): for j in range(i+1, com_membership.shape[0]): con = np.sum((com_membership[i, :] - com_membership[j, :]) == 0, axis=-1) / com_membership.shape[-1] twhere = np.where(con > th)[0] D += list(zip(*[np.repeat(i, len(twhere)).tolist(), np.repeat(j, len(twhere)).tolist(), twhere.tolist(), con[twhere].tolist()])) if len(D) > 0: D = pd.DataFrame(D, columns=['i', 'j', 't', 'weight']) D = TemporalNetwork(from_df=D) D = create_supraadjacency_matrix(D, intersliceweight=0) Dnx = tnet_to_nx(D) else: Dnx = None print(D) return Dnx
[docs]def make_temporal_consensus(com_membership): r""" Matches community labels accross time-points. Jaccard matching is in a greedy fashiong. Matching the largest community at t with the community at t-1. Parameters ---------- com_membership : array Shape should be node, time. Returns ------- D : array temporal consensus matrix using Jaccard distance """ com_membership = np.array(com_membership) # make first indicies be between 0 and 1. com_membership[:, 0] = clean_community_indexes(com_membership[:, 0]) # loop over all timepoints, get jacccard distance in greedy manner for largest community to time period before for t in range(1, com_membership.shape[1]): ct, counts_t = np.unique(com_membership[:, t], return_counts=True) ct = ct[np.argsort(counts_t)[::-1]] c1back = np.unique(com_membership[:, t-1]) new_index = np.zeros(com_membership.shape[0]) for n in ct: if len(c1back) > 0: d = np.ones(int(c1back.max())+1) for m in c1back: v1 = np.zeros(com_membership.shape[0]) v2 = np.zeros(com_membership.shape[0]) v1[com_membership[:, t] == n] = 1 v2[com_membership[:, t-1] == m] = 1 d[int(m)] = jaccard(v1, v2) bestval = np.argmin(d) else: bestval = new_index.max() + 1 new_index[com_membership[:, t] == n] = bestval c1back = np.array(np.delete(c1back, np.where(c1back == bestval))) com_membership[:, t] = new_index return com_membership